Expanding global activities in healthcare delivery: Opportunities, risks and policy challenges

A roundtable discussion organized by HIF as part of the 2012 program of the MUHC-ISAI — October 4, 2012

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Co-Chairs: Mr. Bernard Lord, Special Advisor, MUHC-ISAI and Dr. Michael Churchill-Smith, President, Division of International Affairs, MUHC

Participants : Mr. Jean Belzile, Assistant Deputy Minister, Research, Innovation and Science, Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE), Québec; Dr. Miguel Burnier, Professor of Ophthalmology, Pathology, Medicine, Oncology, Anatomy & Cell Biology, McGill University; General Director, Clinical Research and Training, MUHC Research Institute; Mr. Luc Castonguay, Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for international cooperation, Department of Planning, Performance and Quality, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Québec; Dr. Arvind Joshi, Director General and CEO, St. Mary’s Hospital Centre, Montreal; Ms. Cathy Séguin, Vice President, International Affairs, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto; Dr. Krishnakumar Udayakumar, Head of Global Innovation, Duke Medicine, Assistant Professor of Global Health and Medicine, Duke University

The discussion centred around four main questions:

1. How is globalization changing the world of health care?

2. What opportunities arise from these developments?

3. What policy challenges do we face in pursuing global opportunities?

4. How will global activities evolve in the next 10 years?